All orders are fulfilled by Poets Alive Press/The James Humphrey Trust. Profit earned from the sale of Humphrey's work is donated to Prevent Child Abuse/America, an organization dedicated to fostering the prevention of child abuse.
Argument For Love
The Poetry Readings
James Humphrey
Rare recordings of James Humphrey during poetry readings in Iowa City, IA; Falmouth, MA; and Providence, RI, as he reads from Argument For Love, The Re-Learning, and unpublished poems. Over 66 minutes. Poets Alive Prod., NY, 2009.
Naked Poems Selected and New 1969-2006
James Humphrey
Critically acclaimed. With illustrations by Humphrey. Paperback: 365 pages; 6x9. Poets Alive Press, NY, 2006. ISBN: 0-936641-99-1 811.5